
Hello!! Welcome to Trains of Thought, and the Rhodera universe.
For those of you who are awesome and read my fanfiction, the story about Tobias (under a different name) is now UP and called "Marius' Story" for now.
Another story in the same universe is called "Riah's Story" for now. It may eventually be called "Jailbird". If you read Rithmetic house, it is being split up - I decided that each of the characters really deserved their own story. It will therefore be awhile before we see Faith (Ruth) and Akela again.
Update: Faith(Ruth) and Akela may actually appear in the same story, later - the two of them both have strong connections to August, and to the setting, that Riah did not. It is likely, therefore, that "Rithmetic House" will reappear similar to how it is now, but without Riah. It will still be quite some time, though - I need to focus on the two stories I've got, for the moment.
Final Note: Blogger has a tendency to mess up the styling on my posts, and I have given up on fixing it because it's a PIA. If it bothers you, check out the new-and-improved version of this blog at trainsofthoughtstories.wordpress.com
Thanks so much for your comments!! They are very helpful!!

Everything in this blog Copyright 2011 to RhiannanT

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Anybody know anything about formatting this thing? LOL

Hey guys!! Just posting to see if any of you lovely people know how I organize posts on the blog in anything other than chronological order. Since there will not always be only one chapter of one fic up, it will be confusing if I don't find a way organize things by chapter, off on the side or something. I know other blogs do this, and I'm normally not technologically challenged, but somehow I'm not being able to figure it out. Thanks!


  1. Nope sorry dont blog, but i like reading your stories. Normally I don't read original stories only HP fanfiction or crossovers, but your story Outcast's Alley got me hooked onto you ;) Just sad to see nothing happening anymore with your sequel.

  2. Thanks, Samyra!! I finally figured it out on my own. Yey for organized lists!!

  3. Nice, Your website looks nice so far :)

    And yup easier to find the chapters now. Is anyone going to be taking 'Harry's' role in this story or is it going to be totally diferent from outcasts?

  4. Pretty different. Major plot points will be largely the same (if in a different order and spacing) and the characters that were *purely* mine will likely stay similar, but otherwise things'll change quite a bit. Marius "is" Harry in this story, though I'm sure you've noticed there are pretty major personality changes. Hope that clears things up. :)

  5. Yup :) don't want to seem stalkerish, but i check your page everyday hoping for an update ;) Hope to see more soon, without trying to be to pushing.

  6. Me: I'm with Samyra. I love your stories, all of them. I like your site's background designs too. Is the Rhodera a reference to anything or did you just choose it?

  7. LOL thanks, guys! I'm really glad you like ti. To answer your question, 'Rhodera' is just something off the top of my head. I needed a country name, it sounded vaguely right, voila. Some things I choose really carefully, and other things I don't. :0)


About Me

I am a recent college graduate from the East Coast of the United States. I have a tortoise, two cats, and two snakes. I write fanfiction, and I am Catholic.