
Hello!! Welcome to Trains of Thought, and the Rhodera universe.
For those of you who are awesome and read my fanfiction, the story about Tobias (under a different name) is now UP and called "Marius' Story" for now.
Another story in the same universe is called "Riah's Story" for now. It may eventually be called "Jailbird". If you read Rithmetic house, it is being split up - I decided that each of the characters really deserved their own story. It will therefore be awhile before we see Faith (Ruth) and Akela again.
Update: Faith(Ruth) and Akela may actually appear in the same story, later - the two of them both have strong connections to August, and to the setting, that Riah did not. It is likely, therefore, that "Rithmetic House" will reappear similar to how it is now, but without Riah. It will still be quite some time, though - I need to focus on the two stories I've got, for the moment.
Final Note: Blogger has a tendency to mess up the styling on my posts, and I have given up on fixing it because it's a PIA. If it bothers you, check out the new-and-improved version of this blog at trainsofthoughtstories.wordpress.com
Thanks so much for your comments!! They are very helpful!!

Everything in this blog Copyright 2011 to RhiannanT

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello and Welcome!!

Hi everybody...being nobody, so far. :0) Welcome to my new blog, Trains of Thought. It will be largely a place for my to publish my original fiction within the Rhodera universe. This is a universe that was originally created for my fanfiction Outcast's Alley. I recently made the decision to abandon the fanfiction, and reclaim Rhodera for my own, because I felt that my world had outgrown the fanfiction framework in which I originally placed it. I felt like attaching it to JK Rowlings world was doing it a disservice. The blog will also eventually include my first fanfiction, Life as Dictated by a Talking Hat, and possibly posts on my writing process. Hope you enjoy! RhiannanT


  1. Hellos! I am your first sister, first beta, and first follower, and here's hoping that's the extent of that relatively worrying list of firsts.

    Good luck on blog and writing! I shall, as always, do my best to pelt you with tomatoes and apricots, while surreptitiously actually being helpful and supportive.

    All my love,

  2. Hey, this is really good! ive been reading outcast alley on ff, and when i saw it was abandoned i decided to check out your original work. I actually forgot i was reading an unpublished wok, as this is published-worthy, and im not just saying that. if you finish it, take it to a publisher or editor, and see what happens. one thing though. At some point soon we should learn more of Faith's background, as right now we don't even know her last name. And more about her family! Besides that, great job!


About Me

I am a recent college graduate from the East Coast of the United States. I have a tortoise, two cats, and two snakes. I write fanfiction, and I am Catholic.